The republic's dairy cattle breeding is represented by the Belarusian black-motley cattle breed, which has a high genetic productivity potential. Cattle of this breed is practically the only source of milk and beef in the republic.
Read moreThe system of pedigree work in cattle breeding of the republic provides for the bulk of beef to be obtained from dairy and combined cattle and industrial crossbreeding of planned cows with specialized bulls.
Read moreIn the Republic of Belarus, there are 2.9 million heads of pigs in all categories of farms, including 2.5 million in agricultural organizations, of which 290 thousand in pedigree farms.
Read moreThere are about 34 thousand horses in the republic. Despite the small share (about 5%), the basis of the industry is the breeding direction of the use of horses. Currently, 18 pedigree agricultural enterprises for horse breeding are certified and operate.
Read moreSheep breeding as one of the branches of animal husbandry has always been an integral part of the country's national economic complex. Currently, sheep breeding in Belplemzhivobedinenie is represented by RUE “Vitebsk breeding enterprise” where there are 772 heads (adults and young animals) of Romanov breed sheep.
Read moreOne of the most important sources of accelerated obtaining of high-value offspring from outstanding breeding animals is embryo transplantation.
Annually, more than 100 calf grafts are received at Belplemzhivobedineniy enterprises.
An indispensable condition for the implementation of the breeding programs of the republic is the availability of modern laboratories for the comprehensive analysis of the quality indicators of milk for the content of fat, protein and somatic cells. There are currently 6 such laboratories in the republic - one in each region.
Read moreBelplemzhivobedinenie always ready for fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation will assist in the sale of breeding young farm animals and their products.
There are about 34 thousand horses in the republic, including 13.6 thousand in agricultural organizations, 1.0 thousand peasant farms, 19.4 thousand horses in the households of the population.
Despite the small specific gravity (about 5%), the mainstay of the industry is the breeding direction of horses.
Currently 18 horse breeding agricultural enterprises are certified and work.
The main task of the breeding enterprises is to improve the economically useful traits of the breeds and to ensure the needs of the republic in good quality horses, including in producers to improve livestock in commodity horse breeding.
The breeds bred in the republic are quite diverse and can satisfy the needs of the domestic market. Heavy-duty, light-duty and horse breeds are bred.
The most numerous is the Belarusian draft breed. Belarussian harnesses are valued for their universal performance, longevity, kindness, original suits.
Under the conditions of Belarus, a peculiar type of Russian heavy truck was created, which is characterized by unpretentiousness, harmonious exterior, excellent working qualities, kindness, high growth energy of young animals. A livestock of breeding mares has been preserved, many of which are descendants of All-Union record holders.
The top direction of the industry is getting more and more development, mainly work is being done with half-breed sports breeds of horses for classic equestrian sports.
In the republic there are breeding groups of horses of the Russian trotter breed, Shetland ponies, the gene pool of Polesie horses, possessing unique adaptive qualities, is preserved.
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Stallion Dirk Belarussian draft breed | Stallion Salon Russian heavy breed | Stallion romario shetland pony |
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Equine at SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE in Clermont-Ferrand
The industry of horse breeding in France is developing more than 40 thousands of private and state farms. Most contain no more than 5 mares, as a rule, no stallions. Producers are mostly state-owned enterprises. As in other livestock industries, the horse owners are United in various associations and companies that contribute to the development of horse breeding and promotion of the products through them receiving financial and legal assistance. The main source of income from the sector of horse – betting on horses and horse racing. Annual revenues from this use of horses about 1 billion euros.
In the pavilion of the exhibition of horse breeding "Summit of breeding" in Clermont-Ferrand was presented to draught horses, used for agricultural and urban works (waste collection, a variety of transportation with low speed and frequent stops, timber, viticulture, horticulture), to participate in shows and breeding for meat and breed donkeys and mules.
In France horse is actively used for various works in areas inaccessible to tractors, as well as on small family farms, where the use of technology is not economically viable. They help to cultivate the soil without pollution, without breaking natural biocenoses, eliminating the problem of subsidence of the soil that occurs when using technology.
From the presented draught horse breeds most numerous in France, the breed of comtois (Comtois) (3134 foal in 2016), widely distributed throughout France Breton (Breton Le Trait) breed (2358 foals in 2016), less numerous percherons (Percheron Le) 800 foals, Norman cob (Cob Normand Le) 184 foals, patinka ( Le Trait Poitevin Mulassier) 45 foals and North sled (Le Trait du Nord) 86 foals. During the exhibition presented about 300 horses.
During the exhibition, a competition of horses of the Breton, percherons breeds and breed comtois, organized by the French society of working equids (SFET).
The special interest of the audience called the show involving horses breed comtois.