The republic's dairy cattle breeding is represented by the Belarusian black-motley cattle breed, which has a high genetic productivity potential. Cattle of this breed is practically the only source of milk and beef in the republic.
Read moreThe system of pedigree work in cattle breeding of the republic provides for the bulk of beef to be obtained from dairy and combined cattle and industrial crossbreeding of planned cows with specialized bulls.
Read moreIn the Republic of Belarus, there are 2.9 million heads of pigs in all categories of farms, including 2.5 million in agricultural organizations, of which 290 thousand in pedigree farms.
Read moreThere are about 34 thousand horses in the republic. Despite the small share (about 5%), the basis of the industry is the breeding direction of the use of horses. Currently, 18 pedigree agricultural enterprises for horse breeding are certified and operate.
Read moreSheep breeding as one of the branches of animal husbandry has always been an integral part of the country's national economic complex. Currently, sheep breeding in Belplemzhivobedinenie is represented by RUE “Vitebsk breeding enterprise” where there are 772 heads (adults and young animals) of Romanov breed sheep.
Read moreOne of the most important sources of accelerated obtaining of high-value offspring from outstanding breeding animals is embryo transplantation.
Annually, more than 100 calf grafts are received at Belplemzhivobedineniy enterprises.
An indispensable condition for the implementation of the breeding programs of the republic is the availability of modern laboratories for the comprehensive analysis of the quality indicators of milk for the content of fat, protein and somatic cells. There are currently 6 such laboratories in the republic - one in each region.
Read moreBelplemzhivobedinenie always ready for fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation will assist in the sale of breeding young farm animals and their products.
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