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Dairy farming

The republic's dairy cattle breeding is represented by the Belarusian black-motley cattle breed, which has a high genetic productivity potential. Cattle of this breed is practically the only source of milk and beef in the republic.

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Beef cattle

The system of pedigree work in cattle breeding of the republic provides for the bulk of beef to be obtained from dairy and combined cattle and industrial crossbreeding of planned cows with specialized bulls.

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Pig breeding

In the Republic of Belarus, there are 2.9 million heads of pigs in all categories of farms, including 2.5 million in agricultural organizations, of which 290 thousand in pedigree farms.

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Horse breeding

There are about 34 thousand horses in the republic. Despite the small share (about 5%), the basis of the industry is the breeding direction of the use of horses. Currently, 18 pedigree agricultural enterprises for horse breeding are certified and operate.

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Sheep breeding

Sheep breeding as one of the branches of animal husbandry has always been an integral part of the country's national economic complex. Currently, sheep breeding in Belplemzhivobedinenie is represented by RUE “Vitebsk breeding enterprise” where there are 772 heads (adults and young animals) of Romanov breed sheep.

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Embryo transplantation

One of the most important sources of accelerated obtaining of high-value offspring from outstanding breeding animals is embryo transplantation.
Annually, more than 100 calf grafts are received at Belplemzhivobedineniy enterprises.

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Dairy Labs

An indispensable condition for the implementation of the breeding programs of the republic is the availability of modern laboratories for the comprehensive analysis of the quality indicators of milk for the content of fat, protein and somatic cells. There are currently 6 such laboratories in the republic - one in each region.

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Belplemzhivobedinenie always ready for fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation will assist in the sale of breeding young farm animals and their products.

Losing without knowing where the reason

Scientific support of the livestock industry in the Republic of Belarus is not in place, the main studies of cattle, which are carried out in genetic laboratories not long ago added pet study for carriers of haplotypes of fertility.

What is fertility? Is the ability of animals to reproduce. The concept of fertility was used in the last years, the figure today is one of the determinants in the selection and breeding work.

For the past two years were the joint work of "Belplemzhivobedinenie", "Institute of genetics and Cytology, national Academy of Sciences of Belarus" and breeding and genetic centers of regions, whose main aim was to create a data Bank of Holstein breeding animals (gostinichnoe) breed and to investigate the presence of selection and significant gene variants in cattle, is responsible for the expression of milk production and reduced fertility associated with embryonic and early postembryonic mortality, called "haplotypes fertility". From this joint project before executing the task was to identify carriers of the haplotype (mutations) and excluded from further use in breeding work.

a Little bit about the major haplotypes and their impact on reproduction:

HH0 - stillborn foetuses

ÍÍ1 - causing embryonic mortality

ÍÍ2 - causes fetal death before 100 days of pregnancy

ÍÍ3 - causes embryonic death of the fetus until 60 days of pregnancy

HH4, HH5 - causing embryonic mortality and loss of calves in the first weeks or months of life

HHC, HHB - causes of embryonic and post-embryonic mortality of calves

BYF - brachyspira(fatal disease)

HHD (DUMPS) - early abortion of cattle.

As you can see from the above, each haplotype is essential for selection and breeding work.

Two years of joint work investigated 614 thousand heads of breeding animals and on this basis created a database in respect of information zootechnical evaluation of the exterior, productivity and reproductive qualities. As expected, the identified carriers of haplotypes that affect fertility, such animals were 118 animals, of which 90 belpromsoda cows and 28 goals sires breeding and genetic centers of areas. The highest frequency of carriers of the haplotypes identified for fertility ÍÍ0 -5.71% , HH1-4,27%.The frequency of animals carrying mutations associated with cattle fertility in Belarus is as follows: HH0 - 5.71%, HH1 - 4.27, HH3 - 2.93%, HH5 - 2.7%, HHC - 2.67%, HCD - 1.18%, HH4 - 0.66%, HHB - 0.44%. No animal carriers of the HHD mutation (DUMPS) associated with early cattle abortions were detected. Crossing two carriers of the disease in a quarter of cases leads to the birth of sick offspring, which means economic losses in the enterprise. It is scientifically justified to exclude from the breeding process bulls - carriers of mutations and strictly control the quality of imported breeding products. The created database of animal carriers is a guide to breeders in the selection of parental pairs.

The obtained results should be used by research organizations to conduct comprehensive monitoring of inherited genetic defects in farm animals, these results will help you make breeding decisions professionals tribal service of the Republic, zootechnical-breeders and breeding farms breeding and genetic centers, will reduce the economic damage due to the loss of herd farm animals. Knowledge of carrier status for monogenic diseases of their animals is important not only for breeding for the enterprise, but also for its cost-effective operation. In cooperation with scientific institutions of the Republic Commission is strict selection of imported breeding stock for use in farming in order to get a "clean" pedigree animal.

I would like to caution livestock breeders from mindless use of coming to the Republic of breeding material. Picking up parents need to clearly understand what goals you want to achieve and be aware of the risks involved. The use of the bull - carrier of undesirable haplotype in each case should be considered on all sides, weighed all the "pros" and "cons".

To date, practitioners in the field presents all the necessary research for their work and high achievements in large-scale breeding.

head of the Department for breeding in breeding frost E. E.