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Dairy farming

The republic's dairy cattle breeding is represented by the Belarusian black-motley cattle breed, which has a high genetic productivity potential. Cattle of this breed is practically the only source of milk and beef in the republic.

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Beef cattle

The system of pedigree work in cattle breeding of the republic provides for the bulk of beef to be obtained from dairy and combined cattle and industrial crossbreeding of planned cows with specialized bulls.

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Pig breeding

In the Republic of Belarus, there are 2.9 million heads of pigs in all categories of farms, including 2.5 million in agricultural organizations, of which 290 thousand in pedigree farms.

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Horse breeding

There are about 34 thousand horses in the republic. Despite the small share (about 5%), the basis of the industry is the breeding direction of the use of horses. Currently, 18 pedigree agricultural enterprises for horse breeding are certified and operate.

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Sheep breeding

Sheep breeding as one of the branches of animal husbandry has always been an integral part of the country's national economic complex. Currently, sheep breeding in Belplemzhivobedinenie is represented by RUE “Vitebsk breeding enterprise” where there are 772 heads (adults and young animals) of Romanov breed sheep.

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Embryo transplantation

One of the most important sources of accelerated obtaining of high-value offspring from outstanding breeding animals is embryo transplantation.
Annually, more than 100 calf grafts are received at Belplemzhivobedineniy enterprises.

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Dairy Labs

An indispensable condition for the implementation of the breeding programs of the republic is the availability of modern laboratories for the comprehensive analysis of the quality indicators of milk for the content of fat, protein and somatic cells. There are currently 6 such laboratories in the republic - one in each region.

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Belplemzhivobedinenie always ready for fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation will assist in the sale of breeding young farm animals and their products.

Genomic selection

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Never stopped science and production in the search for advanced methods of assessment of animals, not worth it today, neither in the world nor in the Republic of Belarus.

The beginning of the XXI century was marked by the emergence of entirely new methods of selection of productive farm animals, which is based on the comparison of molecular genetic markers linked to economically useful traits. This method is called genomic selection and is widely used in leading countries of the world: USA, Canada and EU member States. Genomic breeding value indexes of the animals in different countries differ in the priority directions of breeding.

In the last two years specialists of Belplemzhivobedinenie actively exploring opportunities of the transition to estimate breeding values by best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) and migration to the breeding value rating associated with the genome.

Unlike other evaluation methods the genotype of the animals BLUP based on the use of linear statistical models of mixed type, takes into account both environmental and genetic factors that affect the variability of signs of milk production. These factors are estimated simultaneously. The result takes into account the genetic value of peers and the genetic trend in the population. This procedure makes BLUP is theoretically superior method compared to SS (peers) and certainly increases the probability of selection of bulls-improvers. This, in turn, leads to increased efficiency of breeding work in General.

The introduction of genomic evaluations will allow you to:

  • to determine the genomic breeding value at an early age;
  • the
  • to reduce the cost of maintaining the animals, putting on the best genomic bulls;
  • the
  • to increase the intensity of selection of bulls;
  • the
  • to improve the genetic progress and efficiency in each breed;
  • the
  • to assess more precisely the functional traits (calving ease, fertility, resistance to mastitis, lifespan, etc.).

However, despite all visible advantages of genomic evaluations, it is impossible to neglect the average quality of the offspring. Only in a joint assessment, it is possible to obtain the accuracy level of 85-90%.

Visiting specialists Belplemzhivobedinenie in 2017 of the Institute of Zootechnics in Krakow (Poland) (Instytut Zootechniki Panstowy Instytut Badawczy, Krakow), has allowed him to build the "path" of the direction of movement in the direction of obtain a genomic index.

In the laboratory of the Institute since 2008 began the first study. During 2008-2010, was conducted genotyping of 1,200 head of bulls (evaluated on the quality of offspring in age over 10 years). In 2010, the results were used to evaluate the animals. By 2017, the reference population was 4500 Holstein bulls (red and black suit), it's the bulls who had the research and worked in Poland (own and foreign). For genotyping used the ILLUMINA chips – 10K – cows, 54K bulls. In the reference population includes about 40% of a uterine livestock of the Republic of Poland.

The Institute developed the software for data export, data bindings, and data warehousing SNP. The basis for genomic evaluations based on the principles published in the works of Hays B. J. (2001-2011). To create the reference population used only verified by birth the offspring of bulls. This work has been to advance several years. Currently in the database SNP 85000 heads of bulls, of them 14027 – no father, 41879, all is well, 23830 less than 97% SNP 845 – excluded 86 to check; 76449 – no mother, 4002 all good, 83 – at least 97% SNP, 191 – excluded, 12 on the check.

In addition to the Republic of Poland established contacts and exchanged experiences with the all-Russian research Institute of genetics and breeding of farm animals named after academician L. A. Ernst (Russia), GGI (German Genetic International) (Germany), Association of RBB (tribal Association and the station bulls).

The first steps on the path to genomic analysis, the country has already passed:

  • added identification of livestock within the Republic;
  • the
  • purchased equipment for determining the presence and sequence of the SNP markers in the genome of each species, on the basis of the Grodno state agrarian University.

According to the staff of Belplemzhivobedinenie and scientific literature.